Innovative Solutions in Energy and Engineering

With over 30 years of experience, Infii Energy specializes in design and manufacturing, delivering efficient and cost-effective solutions tailored to meet diverse customer needs in the energy sector.

silhouette of wind turbines during sunset
silhouette of wind turbines during sunset
Exceptional service and innovative designs.

Mr. Harish


Our Locations

Infii Energy proudly serves clients globally, ensuring design and manufacturing excellence in energy and engineering sectors.


#1882, 10th Main, 31st Street CRS, BSK 2nd Stage, , Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560070


9 AM - 5 PM

Customer Feedback

Hear from our satisfied customers about their experiences with us.

Incredible service and innovative solutions. Infii Energy exceeded our expectations every time.

Mr. Patel

white windmill during daytime
white windmill during daytime


Their expertise in energy solutions helped us save costs and improve efficiency significantly. Highly recommend Infii Energy for any engineering needs.

white and black tower near green trees under white sky during daytime
white and black tower near green trees under white sky during daytime
Mr. Prakash

